
About The Following Blog

The following blog has been written purely for those wanting a first hand knowledge of what it is like to step into the dojo for the first time as a complete beginner as a Martial Artist. Through practising a Martial Art, you will gain many things such as self-confidence, self-respect and life-long and good friends. I hope this helps you to see into an amazing world of which you have never seen before and that I have had the privilege of belonging to and knowing.
Although I have not put my name or any name to this blog, it does deserve a dedication- a dedication to those who help people to train, who teach, reassure and most important of all- those who never give up, no matter how many times they hit the ground or a mental brick wall, with themselves or others. But above all- those who are ready to begin their own journey, it begins with one step….

Sunday 12 May 2024

Chapter 83: This is where my journey as a beginner ends and a new one starts…

 It’s been a while hasn’t it?

Well I think the biggest change has been is that I am now a First Dan in Tomiki Aikido. I graded on 26th November 2023. I started Aikido in 2006.

It hasn’t always been a straight forward journey over the last few years up to First Dan. 

There has been a good reason for the gap since posting and it is not due entirely to the pandemic. In November 2021 I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I have had some major surgery and 6 months of chemotherapy as part of my treatment. I am pleased to say that I’m now fit and well. 

I am back on the mat and have started my own club. 

This blog originally started as a form of an online diary as a beginner.

The ironic thing is that I feel like a beginner more than ever. I feel like a white belt again. It feels good coming back to complete the circle.

I plan to update my blog periodically from time to time. I hope you have enjoyed this journey with me.